Rune Knowledge

ᚠ FEHU represents Livestock. It symbolises Wealth, Abundance, Success, Security, Fertility. Reversed it can mean greed, impoverishment and excessive materialism.
ᚢ URUZ represents a wild ox . It symbolises adversity, Strength, Tenacity, Courage in testing times. The enormous Ox is a fearsome symbol that you must overcome in your journey, but you are not alone, the strength of your ancestors are with you. Reversed this rune in Jungian terms means to face your shadow.
ᚦ THURISAZ represents a Giant or Thorn. It symbolises Reaction, Defense, Conflict, Struggling with a hostile force and carries with it the challenge of pulling away from the agent of ill luck.
ᚨ ANSUZ represents Odin. the high god that embodies the spoken word. It symbolises the Mouth, breath, Communication, the spoken word and sacred oral traditions. It’s presence indicates there is great wisdom and knowledge around you. Words are important and sacred sounds and chants are powerful consciousness altering tools. Reversed this can mean falsity and deciet
ᚱ RAIDHO represents riding. It symbolises Travel, Rhythm, Spontaneity, Evolution, Decisions. It is recognised as the shamanic journey to the other world and the ancestral knowledge of that underworld including the runes.
ᚲ KENNAZ represents a Torch. It symbolises Vision, Creativity, Inspiration, Improvement, Vitality. Almost universally accepted as “ the light of illumination showing us the way.
ᚷ GEBO represents a Gift. It symbolises Balance, Exchange, Partnership, Generosity, Relationships. It councils to give generously without to much expectation. In Norse mythology it embodies the principle of giving and sacrifice as an eternal cycle that binds the nine worlds
ᚹ WUNJO represents Joy. It symbolises Pleasure, Comfort, Harmony, Fulfillment. Used in rune magick to manifest wishes in conjunction with other runes. Reversed it symbolises loneliness, misery and unhappiness
ᚺ HAGALAZ represents Hail. It symbolises Nature, Wrath, Being Tested, Overcoming Obstacles. This is a rune of disruption and delay
ᚾ NAUDIZ represents Need. It symbolises Restriction, Conflict, Willpower, Endurance, Self-Reliance.
In matters of health naudiz is a warning and can be related to the heart and stress
ᛁ ISA represents Ice. It symbolises Stasis, danger, renewal, Watching & Waiting. Harsh experiences can lead to incredible breakthroughs and insights that are otherwise impossible.
ᛃ JERA represents the Year. It symbolises Cycles, Completion, Changes, Harvest, Reaping Rewards. Linked to the Earth which is living and sacred. Linked to both Freyja and Frigg as both goddess’s are powerful shamaness’s (Volva) they are both linked to Earth, fertility and magic (Seidr)
ᛇ EIHWAZ represents a Yew Tree. It symbolises Balance, Transition, Enlightenment, Death, The World Tree although we view Yggdrasil as an Ash tree, the yew is evergreen and has in the Norse and Celtic world been associated with Odin as lord of the wild hunt.
ᛈ PERTHRO represents a Dice Cup. It symbolises Fate, Chance, Mystery, Destiny, Secrets.
ᛉ ALGIZ represents an Elk. It symbolises Protection, Defence, Instinct, Group Effort, Guardianship. Although Algiz shields you from harm it also warns of complacency. Reversed it is associated with vulnerability, danger and pitfalls. This rune is possibly the most used rune when it comes to creating the powerful Bind runes
ᛊ SOWILO represents the Sun. It symbolises Health, Honor, Resources, Victory, Wholeness, Cleansing. Sunlight is the power that makes everything grow and is a fitting symbol for spiritual power and enlightenment.
ᛏ TIWAZ represents the god Tyr. It symbolises Masculinity, Justice, Leadership, Logic, Battle.
ᛒ BERKANA represents a Birch Tree. It symbolises Femininity, Fertility, Healing, Regeneration, Birth.
ᛖ EHWAZ represents a Horse. It symbolises Transportation, Movement, Progress, Trust, Change.
ᛗ MANNAZ represents Humanity as an integral part of the cosmic design. It symbolises Individuality, Friendship, Society, Cooperation, Help. This rune is often connected to the god Heimdall.
ᛚ LAGUZ represents Water and on a deeper level the lunar realm or the waters of life. It symbolises Intuition, Emotions, Flow, Renewal, Dreams, Hopes & Fears.
ᛜ INGUZ represents the god Ing. It symbolises sexuality, fertility, family lines and ancestry. The Anglo-Saxon version of this rune ᛝ can be seen to resemble the double helix of the DNA strand. Bloodlines play a powerful role in northern thought and the Norse believed in ancestral spirits, fetches and the hamingja ( a kind of personal guardian spirit)
ᛞ DAGAZ represents Daybreak or dawn. It symbolises Awakening, Certainty, Illumination, Completion, Hope. This rune is often associated with the god Balder a prominent Norse solar god
ᛟ OTHALA represents the ancestral hall or home. It symbolises Possessions, Heritage, Experience, Value. This rune is a powerful grounding rune and a blessing to ones home. This rune can also become the true seat of oneself.