Vegvísir wall hanger


“If this sign is carried, one will never lose one’s way in storms or bad weather, even when the way is not known” – Stephen E Flowers (Icelandic Magic)

The earliest known depiction of the Vegvísir was possibly in the Icelandic Galdrabók (a book of spells) from the 16th century. The oldest clear depiction and mention of a symbol referred to as Vegvísir is found in the Icelandic Huld manuscript, collected by Geir Vigfusson in 1860

This symbol is nothing to do with the old Norse or the Viking period, appearing much later. Iceland was quite unique within Scandinavia as both the pagan and christian medieval traditions eventually blended together and it is very easy to see the christian influences in the magical staves. These Icelandic staves are thought to aid, protect, and assist the owner with spells.


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