Óðinn Elder Futhark Rune Set


Óðinn rune set is handmade from Ash and the runes burnt into them by myself during ritual to the all-father. They come in a burlap storage bag and a rune booklet wrote by myself.

At the center of the Norse cosmos stands the great Ash tree Yggdrasil. Cradled in its branches are the nine worlds, homes of the gods, humans, giants elves and the dead.

Yggdrasil grows out of the well of Urd, whose fathomless depths hold many of the most powerful forces and beings in the cosmos. Among these beings are the Nornr who create the fates of all beings including the gods. of all beings. Each day the Nornr carve runes into Yggdrasil’s trunk. The symbols then carry these intentions throughout the tree, affecting everything in the nine worlds.

Óðinn watched the Nornr from his seat in Ásgarðr and envied their powers and their wisdom, for the runes do not reveal themselves to any but those who prove themselves worthy of such fearful insights and abilities. Therefore, Óðinn hung himself from a branch of Yggdrasil, pierced himself with his spear, and peered downward into the shadowy waters teetering on the precipice that separates the living from the dead for nine days and nights. He refused even a sip of water as he stared downward calling to the runes.

At the end of the ninth night, Óðinn finally perceived shapes in the depths. The runes had accepted his sacrifice and shown themselves to him, revealing to him not only their forms, but also the secrets that lie within them



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